A New Frontier

"No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it".-Albert Einstein

A Systems Renaissance

We’re in the midst of a period of rapid technological transformation. Often characterized as a process of transforming atoms into bits, computing has become an integral commodity of our times, which we anticipate will become increasingly so.

Wealth, as we’ve become accustomed to measuring it since the industrial age emerged, is also not immune to the wrath of innovation. The modern global era has been a period of immense & discretionary currency creation, often requiring more energy yet yielding diminishing human productivity.

Although it has on some levels ushered in unprecedented fruit & innovation for the betterment of humanity, we’d be remiss if we didn’t acknowledge the dilutive implications accommodative monetary policy has had thus far.

One’s financial wealth is often earmarked by the quantity of respective dollars & not by their quality, insofar as their ability to retain purchasing power or be limited in supply, which once rendered them trustworthy signals for one to leverage in the economy.

And so perhaps any wealth accumulated thus far is no longer effectively prized in fiat currency terms or necessarily the central banks to protect-because doing so may not carry forward the same merit in adjudicating the value it once did.

Therefore, eHoldings Inc. posits that allocating capital to a novel yet emerging digitally native, sovereign store of value system, Bitcoin, is an integral part of recalibrating our notions of value and, in doing so, preserving one’s wealth into the twenty-first century.