Hey there,
After a 7+ year hiatus since my last post, hello once again.
Suffice to say things have changed quite a bit since & it would’ve been wildly prescient to say in the least had you predicted then, what has occurred over last several years!
Financial markets are at peak uncertainty, society often finds itself in precarious spots & politics, well, it’s entertaining when not embarrassing!
Yet here we are & if you’re reading this, it’s perhaps not such a bad sign. I’m hoping you’ve at least had the zen to weather through it all. I know it wasn’t easy for many but having said that, I really do believe we’re amidst a fundamental change that albeit will continue to be somewhat challenging, will usher in an era of new found prosperity.
While the site was in hiatus mode, I never stopped investing capital & time in financial markets. I remain keenly interested in macro & geopolitical affairs & I continue to observe technological trends emerge & evolve.
I believe capitalism, markets & economy can be reinvigorated to flourish IF we can realize the promise of distributed & sovereign systems/networks such as Bitcoin.
And so in the coming months & years, that’s where eHoldings focus will continue to be, on Bitcoin, as we’ve since 2015.
In the meantime, please check out the site, perhaps a little different than you remember it. Consider signing up to my “notions”-a free periodic email about what I’m thinking as it pertains to investing, markets, money & finance in general.
Until next time!
“It’s tough to make predictions, especially about the future.”- Yogi Berra